Saturday, October 31, 2009


Luke 1: 3

“For with God nothing will be impossible.”

You may have heard from friends or seen in Christian books the popular
Question, “What would Jesus do? “ It is a question Christans are taught to ask themselves when faced with a problem.

But when you ask yourself, “What would Jesus do?” in any situation, it is subject to your own interpretation and theology. For example, if you are from a Church that doesn’t believe that Jesus heals today, you may think that this is how Jesus would pray for the sick, “O Father, give him patience to endure his sufferings,” and proceed to pray that way for a sick person. So when you try to think of what Jesus would do, you are going back to your flesh!

Maybe the reminder should be, “Watch what Jesus does” . When I preach, I watch what Jesus is doing or leading me to do. If He prompts me to say or do something, I say or do it. I know that I am not in the pulpit to manifest Pastor Prince or his flesh, but to manifest Jesus Christ, with Whom nothing is impossible

One Sunday service, prompted by God, I shared with the congregation that He wanted to restore lost items. The following week, a church member wrote,
“ Last Sunday, Pastor Prince, you mentioned that the Lord would held us recover lost items . I knew that the word was for me . My diamond bracelet and ring had been missing for weeks… Praise God, when I returned home that day, my maid placed the lost items in my hands. She found them at 10:30 that morning while I
was still worshiping in church.”

On another occasion , I was praying for a wheelchair-bound lady when I felt
God telling me to pull her up from her wheelchair. Boy, was I glad that before I realized what I was doing, she was standing up on her feet unaided! Now, if I had
Taken some time to think- “ My goodness, what am I doing?”-my thinking could have obstructed my obedience to God’s prompting.

So when you are led to talk to someone, watch what Jesus done. When you
Pray for your child, watch what Jesus does. When you confess God’s Word into
Your situation, watch Jesus does! Keep your eyes on Jesus , with Whom nothing is impossible!

Friday, October 23, 2009


Chúng ta hãy cùng nhau dự Tiệc Thánh và khai phóng đức tin cho sự tha thứ và sự chữa lành của chúng ta.
Trước khi dự, nên biết rằng Đức Chúa Trời muốn bạn được “Thịnh vượng trong mọi sự, được khỏe mạnh phần xác cũng như vẫn thịnh vượng về phần hồn” III Giăng câu 2
Chuẩn bị nước nho và bánh, đừng nên vội vã. Hãy nhớ, đây không phải là một nghi lễ hình thức. Bạn sẽ kinh nghiệm cá nhân tình yêu của Ngài đối với bạn.
Hãy nghe Ngài nói: Cầm lấy và ăn. Nầy là Thân Thể của Ta đã tan vỡ ra vì con.

Thấy mắt của Ngài nhìn bạn đầy tình yêu khi Ngài nói với bạn “chén nầy là giao ước mới trong Huyết Ta, đã đổ ra vì con”
Thấy Chúa đang mang tất cả tội lỗi và bệnh tật của bạn. Ngài gánh tất cả tội lỗi bạn trong Thân Thể Ngài trên cây thập tự giá. Thấy Ngài đang mang những bệnh tật của bạn. Nếu bạn đang có một khối u, nhìn thấy khối u nầy ở trên Thân thể của Ngài. Bất cứ bệnh tật nào bạn đang bị, hãy nhìn thấy nó trên Thân Thể Ngài. Nó không còn ở trên thân thể bạn nữa. Nhìn thấy sức khỏe của Chúa ở trên bạn.

Thật sự Ngài đã gánh lấy tội lỗi của chúng ta và mang lấy bệnh hoạn của chúng ta. Vậy khi bạn dự Tiệc Thánh hãy khai phóng đức tin bạn trong bánh và nước nho. Cầm lấy bánh trong tay bạn và nói rằng:

Cảm ơn Chúa Giêxu vì Thân Thể tan nát của Ngài. Để đem đến sự chữa lành cho con, cho vợ, chồng, cho các con cái con. Cảm ơn Chúa vì những lằn đòn, bởi sự đánh đập Ngài chịu, bởi những lằn roi trên lưng Ngài, chúng con đã hoàn toàn được chữa lành. Con tin và con đón nhận.
(Dự bánh)

Cầm lấy chén trong tay và nói rằng:

Cảm ơn Chúa Giêxu vì giao ước mới trong Huyết Ngài. Huyết Ngài đã mang đến sự tha thứ và rửa sạch con mọi tội lỗi. Cảm ơn Ngài vì Huyết Ngài làm cho con được công bình. Và khi con uống, Con tôn vinh Ngài và dự phần cơ nghiệp của sự công chính, với sự chữa lành và sự thịnh vượng trọn vẹn.
(Dự chén.


Isaiah 61:6-7, NIV
And you will be called priests of the Lord … You will feed on the wealth of nations, and in their riches you will boast. Instead of their shame My people will receive a double portion… they will inherit a double portion their land…

You are called “priets of the Lord” because Jesus has cleansed you with His blood and made you kings and priests to God .(Revelation 1:5-6)And as priests of the Lord, God says to you , “You will feed on the wealth of nations, and in ther riches you will boast.” And you will “inherit a double portion in their land”.

This promise came true for a church member who received his double portion while working for one of the top American companies in Singapore. Within a short time , he received two pay increments. And within just two years, he recived an unexpected promotion to a senior position in the company. It was unexpected because the norm to qualify for such a promotiom in the compay was four years.

He was also named the recipient of a privileged stock award worth a five- figure sum , the net value of which was likely to double, judging by the then prevailing bullish stock market. He acknowledged that it was certainly God’s favor because past awardees were a very small number of top management personnel who had made significant contributions to the company. And only an even smaller per cent of their worldwide employees had ever received this prestigious award. He was only the second recipient, besides his boss, in the Singapore office to receive it.

This church member literally inherted a double portion- two pay increments, a promotion within two years and a stock award which was likely to double in value. Indeed, he was feeding on the wealth of the nation and boasting in their riches!

Beloved, believe God when He says that His people will receive a double portion. This double portion includes blessings of favor, fruifulness, success, riches and health. In fact, the people around you will look at you and your descendants, and acknowledge that you are a people that the lord has blessed!


Hebrews 10:12,14, KJV

But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever,
Sat down on the right hand of God. . . For by one offering
He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified.

God sees you with no flaw, spot or imperfection , so honor His Word and the finished work of His Son by saying,
“ Amen !” Don’t doubt your perfection in Christ.

To see yourself as far from being perfect is not modesty,but a failure to understand the perfect sacrifice that Jesus has made for you.

The Bible tells us, “For by one offering He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified”. Did you get that ? You have not only been sanctified, that is, made holy, but by the same offering of His body, you have been perfected. You are both holy and perfect in God’s eyes!

Your sins have been purged perfectly. Today, Jesus is seated at His Father’s right hand not because He is the Son of God (although that is true), but because His work of purging your sins is completely finished and perfect !

So instead of being conscious of your sins,which is to have an evil conscience (Hebrews 10:22), you can have a perfect conscience, a consience that is free from the guilt and condemnation of sins.

When you find yourself conscious of your sins, just say, “Thank You, Lord Jesus, for Your wonderful work at the cross. It is a perfect work that has removed all my sins completely.”

“Holy Spirit, thank You for convicting me of righteousness, not my own, but God’s righteousness given to me as a gift. Keep on convicting me in the days to come, reminding me especially when I fail that I am still the righteousness of God in Christ”.

My friend, God sees you perfect without any spot of sin. He sees you covered in the becautiful white robes of His own righteousness. He treats you like a righteous man because that is what He has mas made you. So expect good things to happen to you because blessings are onng1b the head of the righteous! (Proverbs 10:

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more.
Romans 5 : 20

When a top executive is charged for corruption or a church minister is caught in the very act of adultery, you will probably hear the phrase “fallen from grace” being used of them. We have come to believe that when someone falls into sin, he falls from grace.
But God wants us to know that when someone falls into sin, he does not fall from grace – he actually falls into grace! Thank God His grace is there to put the person back in his feet.
The Bible tells of prostitutes and corrupt tax collectors – sinners – who fell into God’s grace and got back on their feet. If the sin in their lives could stop God’s grace, they would never have been able to receive His grace of healing, help and power to live right.

Now, it is important you understand that God hates sin because is destroys our lives, relationships and bodies. Sin is evil! But sin is not overcome by us talking about it and relying on our willpower to overcome it. It takes God’s grace to destroy sin. In fact, it is when you are under His grace that sin has no dominion over you.
(Romans 6: 14) It is when you see His grace in providing His Son to put away your sins and make you eternally righteous that sin will not dominate you.
The devil will say to you, “You think that you can still expect God’s blessings after what you did this morning?” That is when you must remind yourself that Christ alone is your pefection and righteousness. All of us have faults. None of us deserve Gos’s blessings. That is why we plead the grace of God, which is His unearned, unmerited and undeserved favor toward us.
Sin does not and can not stop God’s grace. If His grace can be cut off by sin, Jesus would never come to save us because we were all terrible sinners. But praise God, “when sin abounded, grace abounded much more”!
My friend, God’s grace is bgger, deeper, wider and more powerful than all the world’s sins put together. Receive His grace right now to walk in total victory over that weakness or evil habit in your life.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Hình sinh hoạt thông công

Hinh sinh hoạt thông của 3 ban Thanh Niên:


Nghịch Lý Và Chân Lý

Khi bạn thấy chỗ nào trong Kinh Thánh mà dường như phi lý hay nghịch lý là chỗ bạn sẽ tìm thấy chân lý.

Charles Spurgeon có nói, “Trong kinh nghiệm đức tin của cơ đốc nhân có đầy dẫy những nghịch lý.” Bạn sẽ thấy có những nghịch lý trong Kinh Thánh và trong kinh nghiệm đức tin nhưng hãy vững tâm, vì điều gì trong kinh Thánh dường như nghịch lý là điều mà Chúa muốn bạn tìm thấy chân lý.

Kinh Thánh bảo người nào không có tiền hãy đến mua những ơn phước của Chúa.. không tiền sao mà mua được? Kinh Thánh khuyên muốn làm lãnh đạo phải làm đầy tớ. Sao lãnh đạo lại làm tớ?

Kinh Thánh nói ai thu nhiều thì không dư, ai nhận ít cũng chẳng thiếu. Điều này có nghĩa là gì? Kinh Thánh khẳng định người nào bỏ sự sống thì được còn ai giữ sự sống thì mất. Được mất, mất được là thế nào?

Đây là một điểm vô cùng lý thú của Kinh Thánh: nghịch lý và chân lý. Và chân lý của Kinh Thánh thường là nghịch lý với những triết lý của con người.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Chúa Trước!

Nếu tóm tắt cả Kinh Thánh bằng hai chữ thì đó là hai chữ “Chúa trước”.

Quả thật, trong mối quan hệ giao ước của Đức Chúa Trời với con người thì Đức Chúa Trời là Đấng chủ động trong mọi lĩnh vực.

Đức Chúa Trời yêu chúng ta trước. Đức Chúa Trời cứu chúng ta trước. Đức Chúa Trời tìm chúng ta trước. Đức Chúa Trời đến với chúng ta trước.

Đức Chúa Trời biết chúng ta cần gì trước khi chúng ta cầu xin.

Đức Chúa Trời tha tội chúng ta trước khi chúng ta xin Ngài tha tội.

Đức Chúa Trời trước! Đức Chúa Trời trước! Đức Chúa Trời trước! Đây là sứ điệp của Kinh Thánh từ Sáng thế đến Khải huyền. Và khi bạn đặt Chúa trước hết trong mọi sự của đời sống bạn, Chúa sẽ đáp ứng mọi nhu cầu của bạn.

“Nhưng trước hết các con phải tìm kiếm Đức Chúa Trời để được Ngài tha tội và ngự trị trong lòng, Ngài sẽ cung cấp đầy đủ mọi nhu cầu cho các con.” (Mathiơ 6:33)

Confessing Your Righteousness Please God

“…the righteousness of faith speaks…
Romans 10: 6

Every time you confess, “I am the righteousness of God in Christ”, God the Father is pleased. When you confess that you are the righteousness of God in Christ, it reminds Him of what His Son has done for you to become righteous.
Also, by making you righteous, God is showing Himself righteous- “to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.”
(Romans 3: 26)
Each time Jesus hears your confess, “I am the righteousness of God in Christ,” it brings much pleasure to His heart too, because you are laying hold of what He suffered and died to give you.
The Holy Spirit, who now indwells you to convict you of righteousness (John 16: 10), also rejoices when you confess, “I am the righteousness of God in Christ,” He is pleased when you flow with Him.
The delight of the Godhead is not the only thing you gain when you declare, “I am the righteousness of God in Christ,” The Bible tells us that when you “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness…all these things shall be added to you. “Mathew 6: 33”
Whether it is food, clothing or other necessities in life, “all these things” will be added to you. They will not just be given to you, but added to you as your inheritance when you seek first His righteousness.
You don’t need to use your faith for every single need in life. You just need to use your faith one thing - to believe that you are the righteousness of God in Christ, and it will cause all the blessings you seeks to come after you and overtake you.

Tái Tạo Tâm Linh, Đổi Mới Tâm Hồn

Đức Thánh Linh là Đấng tái tạo tâm linh khi chúng ta tin Chúa, và Ngài cũng là Đấng đổi mới tâm trí khi chúng ta theo Chúa.

Tái tạo tâm linh là một hành động một lần đủ cả của Thánh Linh khi chúng ta tin Chúa còn đổi mới tâm trí là một tiến trình mà Thánh Linh hành động trong quá trình theo Chúa của chúng ta.

Sự đổi mới tâm hồn xảy ra sau sự tái tạo tâm linh. Đổi mới tâm hồn là quá trình của sự nên thánh và là nền tảng của công tác thánh hóa của Thánh Linh trong đời sống cơ đốc nhân.

Và một tâm trí đổi mới là tâm trí của Đức Thánh Linh, và chỉ có tâm trí được Thánh Linh thay đổi mới hiểu được ý muốn của Đức Chúa Trời và sự dẫn dắt của Thánh Linh.
“Chúa cứu chúng ta bằng việc rửa sạch của sự tái sinh và sự đổi mới bởi Đức Thánh Linh.”
(Tit 3:5 )

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hình đám cưới của Văn Mạnh và Thanh Huyền. Nguyện ân sủng và bình an Chúa trên gia đình mới của anh văn mạnh luôn.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Thi Kinh Thánh Giáng Sinh

Hội Thánh Ngũ Tuần Giôsuê có chương trình thi Kinh Thánh Giáng Sinh năm 2009.
Khích lệ quí con cái Chúa hãy hưởng ứng việc học Kinh Thánh và thi trong kỳ này.

- Người lớn tuổi học thuộc lòng: Giăng 1: 1-18

- Thanh Niên học thuộc lòng: Mathiơ 1: 18 đến đoạn 2 câu 15

- Thiếu nhi học thuộc lòng:
1 Mathiơ 2: 6
2 Mathiơ 1: 21
3 Luca 2: 10-11
4 Luca 2: 40
5 Êphêsô 1: 3

Friday, October 9, 2009



Then He adds, “Their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.”
When I was a young Christian growing up in Singapore, I read a little tract entitled This Was Your Life. In that tract, it said that when you get to heaven ,God will replay your entire life , including all your sins, on a huge video sreen for all the angels and other saints to watch!
The idea thay God was making such a video of my life with the intention of screeing it for everyone to watch used to make me feel awful and condemned before God .How could I ever stand boldly in His presence? And how was I going to face my loved ones and Christian friends in heaven?
I was a nervous wreck, thinking about all my sins that God was recording down, until I read this in the Bible : “Blessed is the man to whom the Lord shall not impute sin .”(Romams 4:8) Hallelujah! I jumped for joy when I found out that God was not counting my sins against me ,and that He has given me something called “non –imputation of sins “!
My friend, the reason that God does not impute any of our sins to us is that He has already imputed all of them to the body of His Son Jesus when He hung on the cross 2,ooo years ago . Not only that ,when God punished His Son for our sins, He caused the curse of the law to fall stroke by stroke upon Jesus’ entire body until every curse had been fully satisfied. That is why we have been redeemed from the curse of the law.
(Galatians 3:13)That is why, instead of imputing sin to us, God imputes righteousness!
God wants us to know that our sins and lawless deeds will remember no more.The words “no more” in the original Greek texk carry a strong double-negative meaning. In other words, God is saying, “No way , by no means, will I ever remember your sins again!”
Beloved, since God says that He will remember your sins no more, why do you still remember them? Or for that matter, your spouse’s or neighbor’s sins? God does not want you to be conacious of sins because He is not .So rejoice! Come to Him boldly and expect Him to show you mercy and grace because He remembers your sins no more!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Hebrews 10:12,14, KJV

But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever,
Sat down on the right hand of God. . . For by one offering
He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified.

God sees you with no flaw , spot or imperfection , so honor His Word and the finished work of His Son by saying,
“ Amen !” Don’t doubt your perfection in Christ.

To see yourself as far from being perfect is not modesty,but a failure to understand the perfect sacrifice that Jesus has made for you.

The Bible tells us, “For by one offering He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified”. Did you get that ? You have not only been sanctified, that is, made holy, but by the same offering of His body, you have been perfected. You are both holy and perfect in God’s eyes!

Your sins have been purged perfectly. Today, Jesus is seated at His Father’s right hand not because He is the Son of God (although that is true), but because His work of purging your sins is completely finished and perfect !

So instead of being conscious of your sins,which is to have an evil conscience (Hebrews 10:22), you can have a perfect conscience, a consience that is free from the guilt and condemnation of sins.

When you find yourself conscious of your sins, just say, “Thank You, Lord Jesus, for Your wonderful work at the cross. It is a perfect work that has removed all my sins completely.”

“Holy Spirit, thank You for convicting me of righteousness, not my own, but God’s righteousness given to me as a gift. Keep on convicting me in the days to come, reminding me especially when I fail that I am still the righteousness of God in Christ”.

My friend, God sees you perfect without any spot of sin. He sees you covered in the becautiful white robes of His own righteousness. He treats you like a righteous man because that is what He has mas made you. So expect good things to happen to you because blessings are onng1b the head of the righteous! (Proverbs 10:6)